Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mis-Adventures in Garment Making

Monday morning I met up with my real life blogging friend Solanah to get some work done on a dress we decided to make together. It was the 1930s butterick pattern I posted a while back.
I must admit, I think this dress was doomed from the beginning, alas we set forth trying to decipher some of the most poorly written instructions I have ever seen.
We start out the morning looking quite cheery and excited, with a "we can do it" attitude!

After pondering the instructions for ages, we decide to throw caution to the wind and just start cutting. After a small issue with cutting out the sleeve piece wrong and driving all around town, we finally completed the cutting stage.

We then moved onto a deadlock for hours, with little to know progress outside of some darts. After a sewing machine broke, we pack it all up and head to Solanah's house to sew there instead.
While loading the car I was lucky enough to be stung on the foot by a wasp! Which delayed us another 20 minutes or so while we "googled" a treatment for Bee Stings.

Deadlock continues. Solanah and I stare aimlessly at the dress pinned up on the dressform.
It makes no sense, none of this pattern makes any sense. We try to re-pin and adjust. We try scraping it all and making it up. Nothing.
We close this saga with a dress hanging off the form, 7 hours later, with no end in sight.
We packed our fabric up, and stuck it in her basement, until a day when we felt we could try again. At this point I never want to see this dress again. Ever.

I am hoping next week when if we get together we can sew This 30s Dress, which Solanah has once completed and swears is nothing like the dreaded butterick disaster.


Solanah said...


What a nightmare. I had fun, but that "dress" is cursed.

Unapologetically Mara said...

I came here through solanah post. I had a good laugh with it, I must confess. Just wanted to say that your blue dress is GORGEOUS. LOve it.

Cajun Girl Living In The Mountains said...

Aww, that's so sad because the pattern looked like it would be such a wonderful dress, especially in those fabrics. I bet in a month or so, you'll unpack it and try again!

Darla: Retro Ways said...

Awwww what a bummer but at least you guys looked adorable trying. I know when you give it a try next time it will turn out gorgeous, I never ever follow the directions I read them and try to follow them but it never works out like they plan. Best of luck hun! ♥

Tina said...

I agree with Darla--the dress may be a bust but the photos of you two are super cute!

A said...

I am so sorry the dress didn't work out. It sounds like a nightmare! Vintage patterns can be so frustrating at times. Maybe one day it will work out.

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Geez... sounds like you both should have called it a day and started a very early happy hour instead! Fun story!

Emily Kennedy said...

I think it's important to recall that you got this pattern from the "insane" lady with the vintage shop. She may have gone mad after attempting to sew this exact Butterick pattern.

Just beware of that. However cool it seems, it's totally not worth losing your sanity.

Glamoursurf said...

What a cool dress, hope you get it figured out, 2 minds are better than one!

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