I have found myself once again working on the infamous "3 Hour Sweater." There was a sale at the local craft store on mustard yellow yarn, so obviously I had to get it and find a project. What I love about this sweater is that it is easy, even someone who can't knit (i.e. ME) can make up this sweater. I have mentioned on my facebook page that it might be kind of entertaining to do a knit-a-long of sorts with this sweater, as it is a fairly quick knit, and we can keep each other motivated. Now, who knows if anyone will knit with me, but here is what I have done so far, with about 1.5 hours of half-arsed knitting:

I am using a medium weigh basic acrylic yarn (I am allergic to wool). My modifications to the needle sizes offered in the pattern are as follows:
Size 8 US needles for Ribbing
Size 11 US needles for body and yoke.
I used these needles lasst time and it knitted up rather nicely, though I only ever half sewed it together and scraped it in the end because I didn't like the color I used.
There is a lot of good info and modifications that can be found on the sweater here at the craftser.org forum, and ravelry has lots of pictures of finished products.
So why not give it a go? You can email images to me if you want me to post them with the updates on this sweater. I will credit you for your hard knitted work, of course!
I can't knit but I crochet and I never believe anything that tells me "3 hours" but you've reminded me I have some yummy super soft mustard yarn that needs to be made into a scarf.
I've been looking for an easy, but challenging pattern to re-introduce myself to knitting. I've got a ton of leftover yarn, and this seems a perfect way to use it up. I've never knitted a sweater before. Sweet!
Love that colour!
mmmm, my FAVOURITE colour...just bought a sweater in that hue. Can't wait to see your finished creation!!
I don't know how to knit, but would love to learn. I need to get my sister to teach me how.
Oooh that is some beautiful knit work there mikssy. I just learned how to knit and I'm terrible at it...really really terrible.
Also I didn't know you were allergic to wool too. Isn't it a biotch. So many adorable vgt cardis out there in wool. Its hard to find acrylic ones that are even half as cute. Oh well. I guess knitting your own is the way to go. I need to get better at it. I have baby things to knit. ;)
I have attempted this sweater before, but decided about halfway through that I didn't like the color I was using. Maybe I'll find some new yarn and give it another go!
I admire your patience, I hated knitting class in school (I used to beg my mum to knit my rows for me) but actually now it's trendy maybe I should take it up! 3 hours you say...
I love the color of yarn you chose! :) I've been eyeing this pattern for ages and am just lamenting the fact that I packed up all my yarn recently. Gah! :/ But maybe I'll have to pick up something to knit this up real quick? ;) lol. Can't wait to see your finished sweater!
I actually just cast on for this too. I'm attempting to work the Stockinette parts on a knitting machine I inherited (so it will possibly be somewhat closer to 3 hours). But I think my gauge is too small and need to rip back. What gauge are you getting on size 11's?
I'm knitting along, too! I wanted the chance to work on a great vintage sweater and to be able to work with straight needles again. :)
I loved its color!!! I've already tried knitting but I must confess I have no patience for that...my mother loves it and makes wonderful stuff. I admire so much people who dedicate to that! I think If I lived in a colder place maybe I would feel more motivated! It'so hot in here that I don't feel like knitting at all! :)
On the other hand I love cross-stitch!
Love your blog.
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