On my way to work, but here is a quick photo post of my outfit. Its getting very awkward to find clothing I can wear right now. I am too big for most of my normal clothes, and too small for all of my maternity. Thank goodness Solanah loaned me a swirl or two, only with I had more, those are the only things that fit me right now.
Also read to the bottom, I have a question for all of you readers.
Skirt by Sailor Jerry, and my shirt has seen me through 3 pregnancies now!
I want to condense all of my names, as you might have noticed I have several. I am Twila Jean, I write for living-vintage.blogspot.com, also called the mysterious life of the metropolitan ex-housewife, who also runs the vintage shop ExquisiteBones. Phew... what a mouth full. I am considering first taking the step to link this page to a simple domain, like TwilaJean.Com and maybe making it easier for people? Opinions on this or other ideas?
Dressing for pregnancy is SUCH a challenge!You're doing a good job though.
Adorable as always.
I think condensing the names is a good idea. Good luck! :)
Hi Hun!
I saw a number of vintage maternity clothes at BillyGoat Vintage the last time I was there. Some deadstock. A slim black skirt, a really cute smock and some dresses. Reasonably priced. Check it out if you're in the hood!
very cute :)
I remember those days, be glad you are still too small for maternity, it gets boring doesn't it? Love the way you are dressing the bump. One site name is a great idea.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
I say go for one name. TwilaJean.com is a more unique branding than living vintage and it's easier for people to connect your face to your name (I ALWAYS think your URL is metropolitanexhousewife.com or something like that instead of living vintage because that's the banner...)
Long story short, I'm pro-condensing. :D
Since this is a blogger blog you can switch to your own domain for 10 a year. its really easy to do and they will automatically redirect anyone that goes to your old address.
I have a dress i wore when i was pregnant that i loved so much. its not vintage, but its adorable. i have it on ebay for 15 bucks if you're interested! its more for warmer weather though. http://www.ebay.com/itm/270828896584?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1362
I like Twila jean.com! I have a tutorial for a 15 minute maternity skirt. It's a pencil skirt but you could probably make them with circle skirts, a-lines, etc. http://vavoomvintage.blogspot.com/2011/02/tutorial-15-minute-maternity-skirt.html
You could do "living-vintage[dot]com". Unless it's already taken.
I like the idea of condensing the names. I think most people know you as Twila Jean, so TwilaJean.com would be a good choice, or something along those lines.
I love the purse you're carrying in those photos!
twilajean.com would be cool. look at your darling child in your womb! aw.
You are doing incredibly well at pregnancy dressing. Half the time I don't even notice the baby bump, and you are still 100% keeping your own style, which I'm sure could be tough! I doubt maternity brands stock vintage style clothes :-P
As for the name change, I agree that twilajean.com would be perfect. But go snap it up quickly! The .com I wanted had been bought by a URL squatter, who was going to charge $350 for it. No thanks!
I can't help you on the maternity front but as far as blog domains, you've spoken the truth. I love your blog name and think that it's really cool. At the same time, shorter names are better for branding. And using your own name - well nothing in the world could be better for branding.
And definitely snatch up your name quick. There's a reason that my blog name is the ridiculously long "Ranch Dressing With Eartha Kitsch" and that's because someone else on blogger is squatting on "Eartha Kitsch" and won't let me have it. And someone took "Ranch Dressing" who just really, really loves ranch dressing and admittedly "couldn't think of anything else to use". :)
Not vintage but if you want your pencil skirts to fit a little bit longer you could try a bella band. I think they sell them at target now.
What a cute outfit! I always love black and white mixed with a little red. You look great.
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