Friday, May 6, 2011

Twila Tips To Terrible Gardening

I thought I should do a special feature on something I find myself quite the expert in: gardening badly. If you have ever sought gardening tips, or help with planting your vegetables, you should probably just stop reading right now. But, if you like to waste a Sunday afternoon pretending you know anything about urban farming, read on my friend, read on...

I have broken down my master garden tactics into 4 simple steps. Lets begin shall we?

1. Start with the wrong tools! Don't have gloves or shovels, that is for serious pros... sissies.
2. Its also recommended to wear the worst possible shoes, and a white/light colored wiggle dress.
3. Step three is simple enough, get cranky when your man is photographing you, and get dirt EVERYWHERE. There is no rhyme or reason to the dirt part, just make sure you get it everywhere you can. (Tip! Don't forget to break off the lower leaves of the tomato plant and bury that sucker deep... this is a real tip, not a fake one. Trust me, I'm Twila Jean!)
4. Possibly the most important task of the afternoon is incredibly self explanatory.

I hope you have learned a thing or two about how to plant tomatoes, and I hope that by following these simple guidelines, you too will have an awesome harvest of veggies.
That being said, mine have only been in the ground for about 5 days... so this could all go horribly wrong. Good luck!


Michelle said...

Well done. This is very similar to my method. Get dressed up, have cocktail, bring The Man a pepsi as he plants my garden. I just got lucky though, I kill everything but geraniums and he finds zen digging holes. BTW, your hair looks great! It's close in length to mine and you made me enter the great "to cut, or not to cut?" debate over my bangs.

Welcome to DeluxeVille said...

HAhahahahaha...Oh my you dirty girl!


art deco dame said...


punkinlady said...

For a wonderful snack, when your tomatoes are ripe.. cut into slices, top with mozzarella cheese, broil so it melts, remove from oven and top with a basil leaf. delish! p.s. .. i will bring you some fresh basil so you don't have to worry about planting it!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

how very nice. I know nothing about planting things. All that I have ever planted has died other than a rosebush I planted at my parents' house that is doing very well over these past 8 years.

Anonymous said...

just stumbled across your it! Your dress is gorgeous!

Alli said...

Hahahahaha..... I must keep an outfit like that in mind for the next time I'm weeding ;) lol.
You make gardening very fashionable ;)

disastrousjane said...

this is sooo cute!!! as a florist, we do a lot of gardening as well, and trust me... it takes time and art to be good at it. at least you had an amazing outfit all the while trying, an got to enjoy it all with an amazing mimosa!!! its a crazy time for us right now with mothers day, and i wish i had a mimosa at the end of every day to reward me..... something to think about, no!!!?? i loved this post :)

Twila Jean said...

Punkin! I have planted basil across from the tomatoes! its flourishing! which is just wonderful. I hope they all survive my not so green thumb :)

Gabriella said...

High-larious! You rule!


KittyMeow said...

Awesome - gardening in style! Who said you have to be daggy to plant tomatoes :-D

Hope they come up lovely! I'm absolutely terrible at gardening - just can't keep plants alive. And it's not for lack of trying! I tried to grow tomatoes two summers ago and it was one of Melbourne's most scorching summers - the poor plants didn't stand a chance!

***** said...

Love this post, reminds me of myself and all my dead herbs. You've also got me craving a mimosa now, cheers~

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