Monday, November 2, 2009

Budding Photographer

What was meant to be a simple outfit post has morphed into a small post about my 3 year old son, and his ridiculous love of cameras. He takes pictures all the time (my camera is covered in dents and scratches!) and he is getting half way decent at it. Well, as decent as a 3 year old can be at photography. Here is my "outfit of the day" shot taken by Mr. Auggie:
You can't really see much of my outfit, but he is getting much better at actually including faces in his pictures. They all used to be pictures of bellies, or legs. The sweater I am wearing in the picture is an amazingly soft Cashmere sweater from the 50s I got at an estate sale. The skirt is the pink skirt I got from Solanah!

I love to take pictures of silly faces, apparently so does Mr. Auggie. I wore my hair in rolls and placed flowers in the back.

Also, if you check this out Grosgrain is having the most adorable give-away ever! A very spring green dress! Shabby Apple Dare to Design Lawn Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! You should go enter!


Darla: Retro Ways said...

Your hair is dark! I love it, your eyes really pop and your skin looks more porcelain then ever.

I would have never know your 3 year old took that photo, he is already better then some people who call themselves professionals.


Kori said...

Love the photo! He captured you in a soft way...your hair is dark! I wasn't expecting that! Kori xoxo

Brooksie said...

Your three year old takes better pictures than me!

Malayka said...

Cute photo, and your hair looks fantastic!!

Andi B. Goode said...

That's so cute. My lecturer (of photography) has a camera for his son and I think it's great.
-Andi x

Katie said...

Fabulous photos I love them your son is a super cutie!!!!!


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