Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To dry you head.

Much to my Husband's dismay, the most essential part of my running-late routine is my portable hair dryer.

This item might seem cumbersome, space consuming, possibly even impractical. But I tell you dear friends, it has saved me in many-a dire straight. Not to mention it makes for great ease in doing "trial runs" on setting patterns. I set set my hair in the evening to try a new set, and sit under the hood for a bit, then PRESTO! 
I can not speak highly enough of my Little Blue Dryer.

I figure you might want to know where to get a hold of one of these bad boys? I have seen them at thrift stores, I have also picked one up at an estate sale. That can be iffy as there is not a real solid way to tell if it works or not. (I had a dead one recently.)
So I checked out Etsy and other web shops to bring you these:

Here is one on ETSY similar to mine for $39.00 USD

Here is another from ETSY. It's a bit more costly at $51.00 but oh how cute!
This one had inconclusive details on asbestos.

I like this one Here that even includes the original instructions for $47.00 USD
I checked this one and it is NOT on the list of Oster models with asbestos.

If you would prefer to save a bit of money you can always go with the bonnet style dryer, which I personally don't like as well, but will still get the job done.
This one is on ETSY for $22.00 

Here is a rather inexpensive bonnet dryer from Ebay, currently at $9.99

Well this is getting rather image heavy, so I hope that works for you. I would check all the haunts, Ebay, Etsy, Ruby Lane, and Market Publique to find one thats just right for you.


rebecka said...

oh, those things are awesome!

Brabarella Lingerie said...

Just be aware that many old hair dryers contain asbestos and should not be used. They are neat display items though.

Twila Jean said...


Here is a complete list from teh CPSC of all the models that were recalled for asbestos.


so check the model you are looking into buying.
I can find no evidence of my model having an asbestos problem, so I will keep using it and loving it.
fun deal.

Twila Jean said...

Also, I didnt see any of the bonnet style dryers on the list.

it appears the hard dome of hair dryers were what had asbestos. and while I dont want anyone getting sick... lets not get all paranoid either.

Check the model number to the list if you are worried.
or get a bonnet style dryer

auntsuesoldnewlovely said...

That is so cool, EB!!
hugs...aunt sue

esme and the laneway said...

Ah, this is too good! Thanks heaps for sharing this; I had no idea they were still about :) Now I just have to see about shipping to Australia! :P

Empress Jade Vintage said...

Good article. I wouldn't have even considered the asbestos issue.

XOXO Empress Jade Vintage

Unknown said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now, and i gotta tell you i love it!
I must get me one of these bonnet driers.. It'd be like a trip to the salon whenever i please!


Archivia said...

I've been thinking about one of these--I'm kind of lazy though. How do you do this with kids?---that's amazing. So my question is, where do you place the dryer so you can sit under it? These always seem like they aren't high enough to sit under with without cramping your neck.

Twila Jean said...

mine extends to be taller.. but I put it on the kitchen table and sit in a chair it works likea charm!

Archivia said...

Well...bought the one from Suzi. Now I need recommendations on types of rollers. I'm used to using only hot rollers so I need to shop for the real thing. I tried velcro rollers once and it was a complete disaster for me.

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