Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If money grew on trees.

Well, if money truly grew on trees, I am sure there would be a great deal of things I would do other than buy vintage and vintage repros, like say, feed hungry families.
But, I may throw a dress or two into my collection also.
Like this lovely 40s Repro from ReVamp Vintage (which is an excellent resource for things of vintage nature.)

For only $180 you too could own this darling dress with a checkered sweetheart neckline.
Yeah, If you are like me, that wont be happening any time soon, but a vintage girl can dream right?
But seriously, if you want to be inspired, in a modern vintage way, do check out ReVamp. When your there, look into the 1930s collection, its stunning.

If money grew on the tree in my backyard, I would be a very nicely dressed girl.


Capa said...

This is gorgeous. I know how you feel too. Money is in very short supply here, and to spend £20 on a dress would be extravagant right now.

But we can dream, and in my dream i have lots of vintage dresses too!

Solanah said...

I'm not even going to click on the site. It looks too cute just from that picture.

Twila Jean said...

seriously, they have TONS of dresses, from all different eras. its SO lovely.

they also have a section on hair.

Anonymous said...

I always go on their site to get ideas. There's a gal on Etsy - missbombshell and she made me a pair of black with white stitching overalls and a suspender skirt for less than half what they're charging on the revamp site!

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