Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hiatus, and Shit Talk

So, if you actually follow me you will know I have been gone for a while. I realized I might be putting to much of my life out there, and sharing too candidly all the things I do.
What few people realize when they post links on forums where they plan to bad mouth another person, is that most people run analytics on their sites... thus I can click through and see any post that links to my blog. In this I stumbled upon some lovely internet gems, 2 forums in particular, who not only put me on blast for...
a. being a drag queen
b. having a terrible body
c. dressing in "costume" too much
d. "Hoping her kids are home-schooled because they will be made fun of for how I dress"
e. being a horrible writer
f. being too crass and obscene
but several other things as well.

Whats funny, is I laughed this off, as my hits kept coming in from these snark posts my AD rates kept climbing up and I made more money.
I am very secure in who I am and I love how I dress and my kids are not made fun of for it.
I needed to take a step back from the blog to gather my thoughts on everything and evaluate whether or not I wanted to put myself out there on such a public platform and welcome the insults and insecurities of others.

So, I suppose I will leave off with this... If you have something snarky and mean to say to me put me on blast right now. Go ahead and comment here anonymously and get it out of your system. After that lets all move on to just be happy, and live and let live.

Oh and for the drag queen speculators out there. I leave you with this
Thank you for letting me know I have a penis!
Twila Jean


Betty2Tone said...

Drag queens are fierce and glamorous, so I would personally take that as a compliment! It's hard, but you really have to just ignore all the haters

Michelle said...

Honey, being called a Drag Queen is one of the highest of complements! Glad they can't keep ya down.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it the oddest feeling in the world to wake up one morning and go, "Oh Lord, I sprouted a penis overnight?"

Laurence said...

That's terrible to see how people can be bad... If they don't like your style why do they look at your blog? People are just jealous of your special life because they only have a boring life themselves....

Crystal in Texas said...

As has been said already...but really, just ignore the haters and laugh! They are just jealous because of your style and beauty...not to mention, cool interesting life and family! Hah!
PS - Reminds me of the time back in the 70s when I was dancing at a gay bar and a guy comes up and asks me if I'm in drag! "Well no, I'm a real girl"! I says..made me feel really androgynously metro ...

oklyous said...

Really suprised to read your post.
Didn't know people could be like that. I know children and teenagers can, but adults, that's shocking if you ask me.
But good to read that you wont let them get you down, that's the spirit :)

Anonymous said...

Au contraire, I'm amazed (and envious) at how your body quickly bounced back after your pregnancy.
And lady, you have some balls :)

Flapper Flickers + Silent Stanzas said...

All right, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for awhile, and I'm not even gonna hide behind anonymity. You ready?

You're awesome!


Unknown said...

People can be cruel especially women. Being a person who has been bullied in school and at work it can be hard. But your surrounded by your wonderful and cool family. Your brillient so keep it up and screw the haters thery are not worth your time.

Unknown said...

I second this statement

art deco dame said...

You're a beautiful person inside and out,don't ever forget that.Some people out there just don't know how to be nice unfortunately.Instead of promoting what they love they promote hate.You can't please everyone so fuck em!If people don't like your blog there is a REALLY easy thing they can do called NOT LOOKING AT IT!

People that come here not liking your blog only to find things to pick apart really need to reevaluate their life,they clearly have too much free time.I'm sorry you have to deal with this at all.It is odd to me that here in the states we focus so much on anti-bullying causes yet you give an adult out there an internet connection and they have no problem acting like an extra on the cast of Mean Girls.

Miss Rascal said...

Amen to that Michelle!

You're a doll and don't let some bastards let you down (you don't seem to be the girl that let that happen anyway) but I'm glad you made some extra money on them! ;)

Just keep on being amazing! <3

voguevintage said...

Drag queens can give birth now? why must the haters also be some dumb? The internet unfortunately seems to mean everyone is entitled to share their opinion whether asked for or not. It is very rude but you have a great attitude about it. I understand your apprehensiveness especially when your kids are mentioned - but we all miss your posts! <3

Brittany_Va-VoomVintage said...

A drag queen! That's pretty damn awesome if you ask me! As a mom of two toddlers, the only thing I have to say about you is "How the hell does that woman chase 3 kids in those amazing leopard heels?!" xoxo

norster said...

Hey missus, there's people out there that appreciate you. Like you say "them" people have issues... Big ups to you from Ireland!!! Love Nora

Roseclouds said...

I've never commented here before, but I needed to speak up because people can be such ASSHOLES. Your style is fantastic and people should just get over themselves. We all leave high school at some point, so that immaturity should be left behind as well.

(I've missed seeing your breakfast posts:))


gabrielle said...

I come here just to see how fabulous you look...I'm sure your kids love that you look so amazing too. I have seen a few posts like this lately and I really don't understand why people carry on with all this online put down...I agree with others it must be to make them feel better about their sad boring lives

Gabriella said...

People are jerks and you are gorgeous. I love reading your blog because you seem to be having SO MUCH FUN!! If the bored and boring haters want to snark, let 'em. They are clearly just jealous of your fabulous lifestyle and continuing to be fabulous is the best revenge. PS: Being called a drag queen just means that they think you are too amazingly awesome to possibly be real. A big compliment, if you ask me. :)

Katie Pink said...

You are beautiful, simply put, ignore the haters ;-)

Mid Century Pink said...

People are complete idiots sometimes! Ugh! And like everyone else has said... drag queens are fabulous! And all of the most fabulous women have a bit of drag queen in them!

Mid Century Pink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eartha Kitsch said...

Pfft! People have waaaaay too much time on their hands and it curdles my blood that adults have time for such meanness.

That said, this post is great and good luck with that penis thing.

Brandy said...

I think you look great, but more importantly I know that you are comfortable in your skin and who you are. You can take the time you need and I am sure there will be many of us waiting for when you come back. I know that I will miss you and your beautiful family

Melissa said...

I love that you can laugh about this and I love the meme!

Seriously though---I'd love to see what all of the haters look like and how many of them could have 3 children and be as busy as you are and manage to look 'drag' fabulous.

I've admired your style for the past few years and your fearlessness. Keep it up.

Haters always gonna hate. F 'em. said...

Thats absurd that people would say that!! You have 3 kids and still have a bangin body. And style to boot. They are just jealous. Keep doing what you do and who cares what they think???

And since when are drag queens a bad thing??? They are FIERCE!!!

Dakota said...

Just wanted to join in and say I love everything about your style and your blog! I WISH people thought I was a drag queen!!

I just got called a "silly vain white girl" on my blog; people on the internet can be cruel and stupid, but I just think they're jealous ;)

swelltrousers said...

You just have to remember that these people only see little snippets of your life, and obviously you're not going to post about the 'glamorous' or 'interesting' stuff, not tucking your kids into bed or making them soup, and you damn well don't have to. It's your life, it's your blog, do whatever you want. As a gay lady I've faced this same shit online and in person time and time again, and after a while your fucks given will reduce all the way to zero.
Hang in there, don't let people who obviously have no lives of their own dictate yours.

swelltrousers said...

*obviously ARE going to post about the glamorous, etc
Not proofreading makes people sad.

Rebeccak said...

Ag gross - I can't believe people do that. How childish! Twila Jean - you are fabulous. I love following your adventures. I hope these petty people don't hold you back from blogging!

The Long & Winding Bobbin said...

And here I was thinking that you were a woman. How stupid of me! seriously this post made me laugh. People are obviously jealous of your hot jelly. I like the part where you thanked them haha.
You are great. Keep it up :-)

Ashes Laree said...

People suck, but whatever. I remember being called a drag queen in high school, i told the girl thank you. You have the right idea, laugh it off make a meme about it. That will piss in their cheerios for sure. <3

Unknown said...

This "drag queen" ( recently made Lanvin advertisement.. so booya bitches! Shut your trap! Twila Jean is bloody fabulous and haters be gone!!!


Unknown said...

You are gorgeous! And I love your blog, your outfits, makeup, EVERYTHING! I'd be so sad if you listened to these idiots and stopped sharing your awesomeness in blogville. ;(

MyTinyTropicalGarden said...

I understand totally, I too took a Hiatus after a couple people hijacked my post and then criticized me, even to the point of saying I was making up everything I was saying, (my blog has photos, hard to fake that).
I traced the comments in the forum and found out THEY were the fakes and not what they were representing themselves to be.
It still upended my world and I was surprised to find I did not have as thick of a skin as I thought I did.
I'm back now and happily posting again, I have grown and now such things do not bother me as much.
Don't give up, keep writing, you will get used to senseless haters and your talent and abilities should not be crushed by small people.
Rock On!

tinyspoons said...

You are such a beautiful lady. And more than that, you have so much personality and style, your blog is a treat to read. Anyways, don't let anyone get you down. You shine and unfortunately, people who are ugly inside want to squash the beauty in others, so lame/sad. Stay fabulous!!! You are definitely an inspiration to me.

Julia said...

Yeah I saw that thread on the forum too and was weirded out. On one hand, I think it's a great place to snark at and call people out on their shit that deserve it. But... your blog? You're not some fat cat making millions by posting shitty DIYs or pretending your life is all rainbows and glitter. You keep it real. Sometimes I really do think that people who post blogs like yours have a weird complex that they feel like complaining for no reason and are envious. I think you're the least harmful and down to earth blogger ever. Some of those people can get waay too carried away with the insults and start getting cut throat. I'm glad you find it so humorous and lightly, because I wouldn't waste my time worrying if they really have nothing constructive to say. Idk why they would even bother saying something about your writing because um, they're missing the damn point.

Jene Fox said...

First, I have had known, I would have told you if I didn't think you had known, let's get that out of the way first! (Errm, about the penis, thing, I mean!)
Second, you are a beautiful woman and these people are retarded. I mean that in a by choice way, not by birth way. There is no reason that they need to spend their time bad mouthing you...because you are an amazing lady!!
And I agree with everyone else, Drag Queens are awesome, I see no reason to not be in their crowd!!

Peaches McGinty said...

they are mean comments, i didn't know about these things, vitriolic forums set up to achieve what? i love your blog, its your blog and i don't get why people re-read things they are so offended about, do they really need to be 100% sure they ARE offended and then go bitch behind your back? anyhoo, i adore your blog, you dress beautifully and you are a fabulous mum x ps my children don't mind how i dress, they prefer me happy

Anonymous said...

None of those thoughts ever have crossed my mind when I read your posts. I always love the way you dress, and talking about ones children is just low.

Kristian said...

It baffles me that people would choose to talk badly about someone or something on the internet like- its not like anyone is forcing them to read.

But I do love your strong and honest reaction to it, and love that you are posting again.

J. MacIsaac Studios said...

I think your kids are lucky to have a fun Mama who did not give up being herself to have kids. It is an important lesson in self esteme which can be lost when parents give up who they are in order to cater to their children.

Em said...

I actually have always thought the opposite--you clearly love your children, obviously put them first, and certainly include them in your life. I always enjoy your breakfast army posts and the neat family trips you take WITH THE KIDS. In the pictures the children appear happy and well-cared for--not sure what people are talking about. I bet all of your children's friends think you are really pretty and very fun.

Anyway, when I saw your hiatus announcement, I though "noooooooo" for selfish reasons. I love your fashion style and tongue in cheek way of writing. You are wonderful and sensitive as well as having a good sense of humor about yourself, so if you need a break that's fine, but don't stay away too long. And, don't let the annoying people dictate how you present yourself. I've been style-bashed myself when I was younger, and now I see that my haters are wearing vintage, buying midcentury accruements for their homes, and doing vintage make-up because some silly style network told them it's in. I'm still going to love all of the above when it is out again and will still do "drag." It will be fun this season watching everyone suddenly have "bold" brows because it's trendy. Just be you.

Megan said...

<3 <3 <3

Megan said...

<3 <3 <3

Macska said...

I've been reading your blog for quite a while now, and I've been missing your posts!!!

I wish people didn't seem to have this need to be horrid to others, I really don't understand it at all. :-( Small, petty lives, I guess....?

You, on the other hand, are utterly fabulous! I love reading your blog - your style, your sense of humour, your shoes (omg your shoes!!), the little glimpses of your kids and how much you love them, how you've kept your own identity, just everything, really! (And being purely selfish for a moment, I really hope you keep blogging. ;-)

Keep being yourself beautiful lady, don't let the haters get you down! *hug*

Casey Maura said...

I'm going to chime in with Brittany: how do you run around in those fab shoes with three kids? Must. Know. Your. Secret. *grin* (Mostly because I'm facing impending motherhood myself, and desperately do not want to give up my beloved heels...)

I've always enjoyed your cheek, realism and style. Having been on the receiving end of criticism about how I look, what I do, etc., it really *does* make you reevaluate how much of yourself you do put online. But I hope that doesn't mean you stop altogether. I'd be very sad and miss your style posts.

Unknown said...

l follow you're blog also and I absolutely love it! I wish I had my personal style together a bit more at that age. People say things over the Internet they would never say to a persons face. Ignore and keep it moving. And remember you're just too fabulous

Melissa said...

I'm pretty much reiterating what everyone else has already said, but I love your blog! I love your style and your fun posts (and your hair). I'm shocked at what people said and really don't understand them. I do hope you post at least periodically because I really do enjoy it. Thanks for letting me have a glimpse of your life :)

Ms. Falcon said...

i'm totally shocked to read this post. people talking like this are just jealous about not looking that fabulous after being pregnant a few times. those people are the ones who make fun about the kids from parents that don't look like every suit wearing office worker around. looking different and being different scares square people.
please, ignore them!
we would miss you here in blogland.

TheMaeFive said...

Pleeeeeease direct me to the forum. I wanna respond. So bad.

Alyssa said...

Well, I think you are gorgeous!

Shop Vintage $10 and Under

Anonymous said...

I haven't scrolled through all the comments, so if I'm repeating what's already been said - well, it probably bears repeating: If people don't talk shit it means you aren't doing anything. Haters' gonna hate. F***'em.

Anonymous said...

Those people are pathetic... probably wearing ugly sweatpants or something like that. The world would looks much boring without people like you :)

marjorie1940 said...

You are beautiful, dress fabulously, and are a wonderful mother to your quirky little family. What more do people expect of you? Enjoy the comments of the people who enjoy you, and throw the rest out the window....they're not worth your time worrying about.

Love your blog!

Alli said...

i think you are AWESOME! The haters and mean people are horrid....not worth worrying about ;)
big hugs xxoo

Melissa B. said...


a. being a drag queen - NO WAY!
b. having a terrible body-I ONLY WISH I HAD A BODY LIKE YOURS,
c. dressing in "costume" too much - YOU ROCK!
d. "Hoping her kids are home-schooled because they will be made fun of for how I dress" - YOUR KIDS HAVE A LOT TO BE PROUD ABOUT.
f. being too crass and obscene
but several other things as well. - FUCK 'EM

Manic Pop said...

Oh man... people will always have something to say. I'm a long-time reader of your blog, and I miss your posts.

Also... totally agree that being called a "drag queen" is a huge compliment. I worked on a webseries with a drag queen once making the wardrobe/editing wardrobe and many times I was like, "Damn! I wish I could be a drag queen!"

Charmaine said...

Wow, I am so surprised people would take time out of their pathetic lives to write such terrible things on the internet. I admire your fire engine hair, awesome personal style, and how real you appear. I'll be sad to stop reading your blog if you go forever. Screw the haters and keep doing what you do best!

jami c. said...

So sorry for the nasty comments.

Your family looks blissfully happy and perfectly lovely.

I can't imagine devoting my precious life energy to being cruel and disparaging about anyone... let alone someone I've never even met.

Dont Fret-Your Crafty said...

F those A - holes!
They are hating and jealous! Your gorgous and you own it, confidence must be intimidating to them.
Let them talk shit. Its the biggest compliment. You can never please everyone in the internets. But you have a great following of REAL people who love what you do. Dont ever let the haters damper your inspiration for what you love.

alisha said...

i have just stumbled on you page from a link on Pintrest. I was just thinking how stunningly beautiful you were when I came across this post. It amazes me how ugly some people can be!! You have fabulous style and beautiful children.

alisha said...

i have just stumbled on you page from a link on Pintrest. I was just thinking how stunningly beautiful you were when I came across this post. It amazes me how ugly some people can be!! You have fabulous style and beautiful children.

alisha said...

i have just stumbled on you page from a link on Pintrest. I was just thinking how stunningly beautiful you were when I came across this post. It amazes me how ugly some people can be!! You have fabulous style and beautiful children.

hope505 said...

O lordy...I was just checking in after a pretty long hiatus of my dare they. Whoever "They" are - *ha! ANyway, loved seeing the new pictures of you and your daughter's photo shoot(s) especially ~ and as always jelly jelly jelly of your wonderful outfits. You always look great and I've never speculated for even a minute about anything "extra" under those pretty skirts of yours! I only think how happy you must be with your wonderful family and fantastic wardrobe!! So, yeah, a big whatEVERRRR & glad to add my sentiment to this post to yer H8rs they can succkkittt because you're the BOMB & you know it!!

Helga said...

I came back to this post as I noticed you'd been away for a while again, and thought I may as well add to these wonderful and positive comments by saying my favourite thing about your blog is that you swear, and don;t make yourself out to be all milk and cookies as so many American bloggers do. I suspect you'd be right at home in my part of the world, and we would be very happy to have you.
Fuck 'em, it really IS jealousy. pure, simple and sad arse.
I really hope to see you back this year and more bad ass than ever.

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