Friday, June 22, 2012

Catch Up, Ketchup.

I just got back into town from a week long vintage buying trip across three states, so forgive the crickets. I am catching up on all that I didn't have a chance to share while on the road, starting with the most important post... Toma's first Father's Day.
We shared a lovely breakfast with fellow blogging family Team Jessup, at a small portland restaurant called Wild Abandon. Breakfast was good, the company was better, and we got to take part in sharing such a special days with our favorite papas. Father's Day really has nothing to do with me (well, I did make him a Papa...) but it sure did give me a moment to look back and see just how blessed I am to have such a happy and healthy household. I have a very loving and supportive spousal-type-person, and I feel so fortunate I could be the one to share a child with him.

Check in this week, for several updates of our journey through Washington, Oregon and Idaho. If you aren't already following me on Instagram, click here to see lots of photo updates from the road!


Alli said...

Awwww....she's so adorable!
Happy first Papa's day to Toma :)

Ms. Fancypants said...

What great pictures, love how the colors come together. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

The pictures are just perfect. Thank you for sharing them and Happy Fathers Day to Toma!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

So cute!!! Love these shots and think your hair looks so sweet in pigtails. Great outfit as always!

Ivy said...

Such a cute little baby!

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