Sunday, February 1, 2009

Historical Household

For ages now we have been living in the "dark ages."
Our family can not help but comment on the fact that we refuse to use a microwave, (for health reasons, NOT vintage.) we don't own a dishwasher, (someday maybe!) We have 2 television channels, I never buy paper towels, we use a push mower, and we cloth diaper our babies.

Now, Just recently I began to think of how "vintage" this all really is. That was not the original intention, we just wanted to live as "green" and "low-impact" as possible.
I love reading old Good House Keeping magazines, and learning new techniques for tending to my home.

I don't know how this evaded me for so long, but today, I pulled out the bottle of Vinegar and went to work.
Let me tell you, I never imagined something as simple as vinegar and warm water could bust through grime and junk. Which with two kids in the house, there is plenty of junk.
I scrubbed the beauty back into my oven, my walls are now white, and my tea kettle has a nice little glitter to it.
All without the use of harsh chemicals that are dangerous for children. Today is a good day.


Solanah said...

Oh thats so weird, walking to work today I was thinking about how vinegar is the all purpose cleaner. We're on the same housewife wavelength ;)

I have an old 50s or 40s book called "How to clean everything". I have yet to really read it, but I should really share some one the remedies on le blog.

He's such a cutie, hehe.

Capa said...

Well I applaud you,as I am addicted to my dishwasher, it's so convenient, especially after big baking days or christmas.

As for vinegar, it IS superb for cleaning. Makes my windows lovely and sparkly!

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